Chile Head

adventures in chile from an english food dude

Thursday, January 27, 2005

red chile stew

bit of a triumph the other night managing to make a red-chile stew in under an hour. Of course it wasn't cooked to perfection - I simmered the leftovers for another hour or so and only by then was the meat tender and the sauce rich and full of flavour - but in these days of quick weekday dinners...
£5 worth of stewing beef from MJ Dalton
three small onions and 2 garlic cloves
commercial chili powder! - 2tsps hot, 2tsps mild
2tbsps chile caribe
soaked and pureed together
fried off the beef
fried off the puree in the main pot
added water and blended tomatoes

it was simple enough and some ingredients & special touches were missing, but it went nice with rice avocado and some fresh tomato salsa too :-)


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